Research on political campaigns
DK: finances is a big topic in campaigns.
DK: voting by marking the party/person you vote for.
DK: voting boxes
DK: election posters. Party and person is represented.
DK: polls everyday to see how the partys are progressing.
Effective ways of connecting with people:
People's Republic of China
Elections in the People's Republic of China are based on a hierarchical electoral system.
Local People's Congresses
count voting
How National People's Government voting and counting.
And make speech.
President XI make a speech.
Record the speech the president made.
Local People's Congresses
Local People's Governments
National People's Congress
National People's Government
Party control
Latest elections
PR stunt by the Norwegian Prime Minister before the election 2013
By using social media the politicians are more available for direct communication with the people.
Political TV-commercials are banned in Norway. However political printed material, radio commercials and ads in newspapers and on the internet are allowed.
Tests you can use before elections in Norway to determine which party you are most likely to agree with.